There are a large number of companies out there and fortunately consumers can take advantage of the fact that these carriers must compete against each other in order to obtain new business; this means that there will always be an insurer who is most affordable for a particular individual.
When shopping for low down payment auto insurance a consumer should always ask if there are any fees attached with the cost to start coverage. In many cases a savvy person will be able to negotiate any fees that may be charged by the agent or broker at policy inception and it may be possible to get insured without paying any fee and just the amount of the first month of coverage.
If an individual will be using the assistance of a broker there will usually be a “broker fee” that they will charge and this amount can usually be negotiated. Although not many people want to pay a broker they can actually be very helpful in locating cheap monthly payments; unlike a direct agent they represent several insurers and can be very helpful in finding the one that can offer the cheapest installments. So it may be worth it to pay for their services since they may be able to find the best deal.
Pros and Cons of Insurance with a Low Down
The obvious advantage of finding a car insurance carrier that will offer a policy with little down is that consumers will not have to break the bank and pay a premium in full. Instead the motorist will pay the start up cost and go ahead with monthly installments to continue coverage for the remainder of the policy’s terms which is usually 3, 6 or 12 months; at this point the policyholder can choose to renew or the consumer will have the option to take their business elsewhere. Taking this route can help a person get covered if they cannot afford to pay for the term up front and also leaves a little bit of freedom to shop around and find cheaper carriers without having to wait for a refund of the premium had it been paid up front.
Finding a policy with a low down payment may be the only option for some individuals, but they should also be aware of the down side of doing so. A lot of times it will be much cheaper to get insured by paying for policies up front and in full; many companies charge a monthly billing fee in the $10 range which over the course of time can add up to quite a bit of money not being spent on coverage, but rather on fees. Some insurers also offer cheaper premiums to consumers who pay for a term in full whether it is 3, 6 or 12 months; usually the longer the term is being paid for the lower the cost of the policy.
When an individual is looking to purchase coverage they should ask if there is a billing fee, how much it would cost to pay for a full term and if there is a way to get around fees; certain insurers will waive the monthly fee is the consumer allows the payments to be directly debited from their checking account. One can also use a tool such as the New Jersey Auto Insurance Purchasing Planner which will arm them with questions to ask when shopping for policies.